“Snowpiercer” (2013): How Did I Miss This Movie!?!

Ratings 9Snowpiercer-2013-Movie-Poster-650x928Honestly I have no idea why I didn’t know this movie existed until it became available on Netflix recently. “Snowpiercer” is based on a South Korean action film based on a French graphic novel that faced difficulties upon release when the director refused making big cuts and adding opening and closing monologues to the film (so glad he did!). But I’ve seen it now and I am so excited to tell you all why I’m giving this film a 9 out of 10!

Taking place in the future, after humanity’s attempt to stop global warming goes terribly wrong, “Snowpiercer,” starring Chris Evans (our beloved Cap’), is the classic dystopian story alike “1984” or “A Brave New World,” two of my favorite books, retold in a fresh new way. Built by the mysterious Wilfred, a gigantic train traverses the frozen wasteland of Earth at incredible speeds, making a full rotation every year. The passengers are the survivors and last remnants of society. Curtis, our protagonist, has been on the train for all of the 17 years the train has been running in the tail section of the train. On board there is a strict hierarchical system of the passengers; the closer to the engine, the higher status the passengers have. Our proletarians, the lowest of the low, the tail section, is the worst way to live on the train and as “Snowpiercer” begins, it is clear that they are tired of it.

Following an action packed and puzzling journey though the amazing train from tail to engine, this film did everything right for me. I am an ardent fan of all things dystopian, and this film was not an exception. Not only that, I felt the film offered new insight into the genre as well. Don’t forget anything you see while watching this film, if you think it didn’t matter, it probably will later. So much of the train is kept a mystery to the audience as well as to the main character that I was constantly curious and attempting to put the pieces of the puzzles, the clues the film gives, into place. The director/writer, Joon-ho Bong (“The Host,” (2006)) has obviously  put a great deal of thought into the construction of the train, not only in the fantastic visuals and dynamics built within single train cars, but the logistics of keeping people alive on a constantly moving train, which makes this film so enjoyable. Although fantastical and unrealistic, the world that is created in “Snowpiercer” seems fiercely tangible.

What I love about the story of this film is that you can think you’ve figured out how it will end or go on and then there’s something you didn’t expect right around the corner. I’m finding it difficult to write a lot about this film because I really don’t want to give it all away. You can, however, expect a wonder cast of actors in some very interesting roles, including Ed Harris, Tilda Swinton, and Octavia Spencer.

What you should take away from this review is that if you love dystopian films or books then you are going to love this movie. I can’t think a thing wrong with how this film was executed, which is why I’m so bummed I missed out on seeing this a whole year earlier when it was in theaters! Although now it is available for streaming on Netflix, so make sure you all catch it there while you can, and let me know what you thought in the comments!

Here’s the film on IMBD and it’s official website.

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